A Message to Final Year Medical Students

message to medical students

You now find yourself at a critical transitional period, a few months before formally starting work with the promise of one of the highest starting salaries in the country. A period wherein you will become the target of a host of financial services professionals. These professionals are banking on your lack of knowledge regarding basic personal finance and investing concepts (which the majority of new doctors tend to be ignorant of) and will try anything within their means to capitalize on your ignorance in order to secure as large a…

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What is Financial Independence?

financial independence

Simply put, working because you want to, not because you need to, is Financial Independence. The way the world works, whether we like it or not, is that money is the means by which you attain the freedom of choice to live the way you want to. The vast majority of people work because they have to work, not because they want to, nor do they enjoy the work that they do. The reality is that they don’t have the choice not to work.  Ask yourself this, if choosing not…

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Hello, and welcome to my blog! I’m a Medical Doctor who completed my undergraduate training in South Africa. Towards the end of my final year of study, as is the case for medical students across the country every year, I was approached by a host of financial advisors and salesmen eager to offer me their services and sell me a wide variety of investment and insurance products, that they all assured me would be in my best interest to acquire. Rather than get myself tied up in things I didn’t understand,…

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